I’m a software engineer with 12 years of experience developing apps and user interfaces for the web. I work across the full stack, and have always leaned toward product companies that build beautiful and stable software.
I have a strong preference for statically typed languages like TypeScript and ReScript. My library of choice for building UIs is React, and I’ve built backends and GraphQL servers with node.js. I’ve set up CI/CD pipelines and managed deployments to GCP (on Kubernetes), AWS, Vercel, and others.
I’ve worked at:
Open source
- Mubi Watch Party - A web extension (Chrome + Firefox) to sync Mubi movies with friends.
- rescript-peerjs - ReScript bindings for PeerJS.
- bs-react-grid-dnd - ReasonML binding for react-grid-dnd.
- babel-plugin-framer-x - A Babel plugin to remove Framer X code from your React components.
- React + Apollo SSR Boilerplate - Made for my talk at BerlinJS (unmaintained)
- Dash Nightwatch Generator - Generates a Nightwatch.js docset for Dash
- Tor Proxy Toggle - Sets up an OS X command-line alias to toggle a system SOCKS proxy through Tor
- faster-react-tabs - A flexible and context-agnostic React component used to render accessible and simple tabs (unmaintained)
- ReasonML for Skeptics - React Day Berlin: 06.12.2019
- Apollo + GraphQL: A step toward more declarative UIs - Berlin.JS: 19.10.2017